Privacy policy
When you make a payment on our online platform, our partner collects personal informations you provide us (name, mail and credit card number). Collected data during the transaction are safely recorded and used only for Lepetitcampeur transactions. When you navigate on our online platform, we receive automatically the IP address of your computer (Internet Protocol address). In order to protect your personal informations, we take precautions and follow industry best practices to ensure it won’t be lost, diverted, accessed, disclosed, modified or destroyed in an inappropriate way. If you provide us with your credit card informations, they will be encrypted using the SSL security protocol and preserved with the AES-256 encryption. Although no method of transmission over Internet is a 100% reliable, we follow every requirements of the PCI-DSS norm and we are implementing additional standards generally accepted by the industry.
With your permission, we would send emails about our shop, our new products and other updates (newsletter). By using this website, you confirm that your have at least of legal age in your state or residential province, and that you give us your consent to allow any minor age person to use this website by your responsibility. If our online shopping platform is acquired by or merged with another company, your personal informations may be transferred to new owners so that we can continue to sell our products to you.
Our cookies policy rules how Le Petit Campeur Inc, hereafter named “us” or “our”, use cookies on its website (or its other versions).
Cookies are small pieces of text temporarily sent to your browser by our website. These files allow us to collect informations related to your navigation on the Le Petit Campeur Inc’ platform : visited pages and product cards, date and hour of your visit, etc. Then we will read these informations when you will visit us again and will be able to propose you an experience personalize. Our website uses three principal kinds of cookies to work, measure its audience, supply social medias features and enable advertising targeting.
Our website uses three principal kinds of cookies to work, measure its audience, supply social medias features and enable advertising targeting. Depending of any of these categories, cookies can be supplied by a third party as Google Analytics.
Functionals cookies : they are necessary for the base website functionalities to be used. They record choices you make on our website when you want to book a product.
Analytics cookies : as the IP address, they allow us to determinate the website audiences and determine your needs to upgrade our website functionalities. We don’t use these personal informations for advertising targeting.
Marketing cookies : it’s your email address or you social media profil if you are coming on lepetit from one of them. They allows us to determine and store a personalize profile for advertising. Thanks of them you also can connect yourself on your social medias to share our website contents. Thanks of them you also can connect yourself on your social medias to share our website contents.
Le Petit Campeur Inc, like some emails and advertisements also can use invisible pixels. Just as cookies, pixels are small image files., they do a server call to your navigator when they are downloaded to advise us of actions on our website, emails or advertisements.
Le Petit Campeur Inc doesn’t use any cookies allowing your personal identification You can configure your navigator to accept or reject all the cookies and their recording on your connection terminal. You can configure your Internet navigator to disable cookies (when you submit for the newsletter for example).
Data protection law in Europe requires a “lawful basis” for collecting and retaining personal information from citizens or residents of the European Union. Our lawful bases include:
We are committed to keep confidential all data collected during a transaction and/or a communication, except if the law would require us to provide this information or of you violate our General Terms of Use.
Le Petit Campeur Inc reserves the right to modify this confidentiality policy at any time. Please check it frequently. Modifications and clarifications will take effect immediately after their publication on Le Petit Campeur website. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately after their publication on Le Petit Campeur website.
If you wish to access, correct, modify or delete any personal information we have about you, file a complaint, or have more information, please contact our privacy standards officer at